I had to share this photo of my summer gazpacho which I have shared often here and also on my newsletter-sign up on the right hand column for recipes (scroll down until you see "newsletter"-it is easy-SEAGLASS Seaglass is found on the beach's in the Sound or the Ocean close to Seattle or Oregon-it comes in all colors. It is found along the beach when you beach comb and many pieces of jewelry are made of it and it can be glued on candle holders (glass) and other pretty things. See Laurie's sea glass below held in a lovely container in her window.
This trip was so different from my trip to Maine right before. Laurie's husband brought us delicious fresh crab and she made blackberry/raspberry cobbler- in Maine we had lovely lobster, scallops and blueberry desserts along with Moon pies (the recipe will be in my next newsletter). So close alike and yet so far- in any case the people were both lovely and I had a great time, and isn't this what counts?
Here we are! The cupcakes sitting on the boat with the captain and his first mate a quilter named Barbara (above)-lovely time and we stopped for a nice snack, cold drinks, wine and comparing our thoughts on God's beauty-the weather was wonderful and so many things to be thankful for....I was glad to be there and relaxing...
Below is Susan the cupcake who is making a purse from selvages....
I think this is all selvages from Mary Lou fabric that my friend Susan and also Laurie collected over the years...what would I do without friends who buy my fabrics???
A view of me relaxing on the boat with the tennies I bought in Hollywood...love them and also relaxing on the boat too....
Ice tea with some kind of libation and mint...it was delicious and relaxed me, that is all I know....since I don't embibe ever at home, I am subject to feeling like falling asleep anytime I drink, I am not really a fun person to drink with....
I am on a boat with my friends and this is what I see at Friday Harbour...lovely ocean!
Layered sea glass in Laurie's window at Lopez
Now, I am getting ready for my retreat tomorrow (field trip of Spokane first) then back to Idaho for the four days of demos on color, composition, drawings, getting out of the box and other fun things....Nancy is preparing great fabric.
Then next month I go to JohnC,Campbell Folk art school in North Carolina-if you would love to get out of the box using plaids and want to know more about them, light in artwork and composition, drawing people and enjoying the meals (fabulous) in Brasstown North Carolina, sign up! You will love the gals who have signed up as well as the other students. We all eat family style and you meet poet lauriets (hope I spelled that right), professors, farmers, educators, artists and loads of interesting people- I make little money and spend it at the art room but it fills my soul like no place else. Look at the right column to get their email address.
Lovely pictures Mary Lou,
I like the sea glass photo.
Long Island Ice Tea can be very deceptive, I think it has 5 different alcohols in it...definitely a sipping dring.
Have fun at retreat, wish I could be there with you. Glad everyone chose the same hotel, they should have fun! Maybe someone will let you bunk with them...I would!
That does look like a dream retreat.
Sounds like you have a busy schedule ahead.
Please tell us more about the sea glass. Did she collect it all or can you buy it? I find a piece or two in Florida but they are never that large. Karen/TN
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