Mary Lou's Alphabet below available on her website. Have you tried it?

NOTE- when you take your seam, only the background color shows-easy!
Below is what the alphabet looks like when you buy it-we have it in yellow and black! 2/3 of a yard gives you 2 alphabets
Below is what the alphabet looks like when you buy it-we have it in yellow and black! 2/3 of a yard gives you 2 alphabets
I have these letters cut apart and safety pinned together OR....

Above I am building the word "every" for a border

Above I am building the word "every" for a border
BELOW is a chunk of cardboard (sideways) that I keep alphabet letters at the ready-this is so cool for names on anything including pillowcases and little "room hangings"
Some of you have asked where I got my cherry things. No I did not get them at Target. I travel alot (180 dayes last year) and so I see cherry things and my family and good friends know I LOVE anything with cherries in it and have since I was a little girl. I remember painting a big fat cherry with a bird on it in second grade and the teacher asked to take it home. I wish I had that little painting today. :-)
I like Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and I also will comment on my favorite shops to buy things as I travel. If you check this blog, you will see that I post photos of fun places.
Brown cupboards aren't such bad thing. All you need is a little wall paint to add spunk to your kitchen and some accessories...if you can't afford things, do what I did...artwork of my own and my kids! Now I am training my Grandkids so in a little while I will have all of their stuff everywhere. How can you beat kids who know color and design and don't care what others think (yet). The challenge for us as adults is to keep that going in our children around us and to encourage "out of the box thinking." I will be writing more about this is my new book.
It's not too late to sign up for the workshop in JonesboroughTN (Tn Quilts) and also Amidon's retreat in Temecula. Check it out on my schedule on my website-www.marylouquiltdesigns.com