The wonderful dog quilt above was done in a Ruth McDowell class by Mel McFarland-five of us went to Kalispell Montana and took her class-Mel just finished this and I think it is wonderful! Spike is the dog's name.

The quilt above is by Mary Linfesty- she belonged to my swap group on Yahoogroups and we did BEES that time and she took the bees and mixed it up with darling flowers and a beed skep-all done Hoochy Mama method-she is a pro!

The quilt above is my feather tree with many birds and one sneaky cat! I love the cheddar background- it has long been mny favorite for backgrounds because it can be the compliment to many things...wonderful color!

Who doesn't love anything that Maxine says? I think she is so funny!

One year I took a teaching cruise to Mexico and Jamaica and Balize. I did this wool wallhanging of a bird and a pineapple and hung little doodads from Guatamola on it-I love it and don't think the camera caught the great color and effect.

This is a painting photo that someone sent me. Also this guy had this drawing he was doing and I kept it from a letter someone sent. I would love to try this but it might be tiring and what do you do with the drawing once it is done?
I thought it was wonderful but don't know whose it is. It has been in my files for awhile. I am erasing alot of "stuff" and want to share it before it is gone.

My cousin who does beadwork and some scrap booking too sent me the photo above and below. That is about as much as I know but like both of them, don't you?

I think the color and design in the painting here is wonderful....one of the thousands of things in my files....18.000 photos....I am trying to delete some of them so my computer doesn't crash. I can't help it, I love inspiration and design from talented people. Don't you. And how do you like the "UP" house? I have no idea what this is all about but I do know the movie "Up" thanks to my Grandkids and this part is obvious!

As many of you know, my five year old Granddaughter has adored bugs for three years...she just never gets over how much she loves bugs! My friend Laura who is the sister of Chrlotte (amny of you know them from Asilomar and also Florida) thought that it would be a nice gesture to make pillow cases out of this bug fabric. It is the cutest pillowcases I have ever seen and naturally this is what my Granddaughter wants to sleep on every night.....can you blame her?