I am always blown away when I go to Susan Gower's booth. She doesn't remember me from Adam but I have spent thousands of dollars over many years of shopping for her wonderful things. Need a color of a buttons or trim or something special? This is the gal that can sell it to you. Unreal. Many things are older and would be hard to find. I am using alot of these on my next quilt and am very excited to show how to use all of this "stuff." I am promoting her because I think she has wonderful things. Please tell her that you saw her information on my blog. Thank you.
Below is a photo of Susan Gower who owns this incredible amount of cool stuff for quilters, doll makers, clothing and what have you. I told her I would promote her on my blog and then I spent a ton of money buying things.
If you order something from her, please please tell her you heard about her through me. I am not sure she believed I would do this. Please look at all of my photos first...I got some good ones with a good idea of what she has.Amazing.
In the pink! How many things could you encorporate into pink ideas???Hundreds! Pink rhymes with alot and trims on creams and pinks could produce a fabulous small piece!
OK so YELLOW- how about a quilt called "Billy you're jusy yella" and you can do a cowboy with a yellow outfit on and lots of trims....are you with me or am I scaring you? Now you come up with something creative for a color!
I ALWAYS wanted to do a quilt called "ORANGE you happy you are creative? Now's my chance....
Can you imagine how crazy this makes some with creativity? So many possibilites!
I adore anything red and I wanted some of everything....couldn't afford it so I got pieces of a few fun things....
Name a color and she has it. I bought many buttons and trims and wa nt to show what you can do with them in my workshops........very fun and creative too
Oh YUMMY!! Thanks for sharing Mary Lou!
HI Mary Lou
Thanks for the link to the inspiring trim place. I just had to mop up some drool.
How about this for yellow:
"Who YOU callin' yella?"
Vicky F
West Michigan
Now that would be a fun place to shop.
We have a ribbon company in the city, but mostly basics. I like to hit the thrifts and looks for bags of old laces and things.
So inspiring!!!! Thanks for the link MaryLou!
♥ Eileen
The trims and trims! They are so colorful and beautiful. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful colors.
I tend to freak out in a store like that! To many choices!! Glorious color though! I live int eh garment center in NYC, and do you know how hard it is to walk through the streets being tempted by all the goodies... I have to wear horse blinders to get to the subway!
Thanks for another great shop tour! Meant to tell you how delightful your quilt at Road was.
Susan comes up to Seattle for Sewexpo next month. I adore her booth and have also seen her at Houston.
I also have some pictures of her on my blog taken at Sewexpo 2 years ago I think.
I'm hoping you are having a great day today cuz it's your birthday! February 1st Happy Birthday!
Mary Lou, A big thank you for showing and featuring my business
Nifty Thrifty Dry goods.com. The pictures came out great! I love the cherry pin. Can I buy one? Great design. Happy Birthday too! Many thanks! Sue
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