Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Story quilt from Students and Gratitude lists for the soul

Hi Mary Lou, Here are the pictures of my Barn Owl quilt completed. Michalee Sloan did the quilting. It was a great class!
Thank you,
Deb Mackay
Debbie was in San Diego when I taught there-it is always fun to see quilts and how they progress and grow and quilting makes such a difference-isn't this pretty? Molly was a barn owl that bmade television and they told where she was every day and maybe she hatched...I can't recall but she had a ton of fans and Deb was one of them so she chose that for her quilt theme. I think the colors here are exceptional but then Deb had awesome colorful clothes and so I knew she was good at color.

Hi Mary Lou
I attended your workshop in Baltimore in November and came home so inspired and completed this quilt just last night. I have an appointment to get it quilted and wanted to share it with you. It is the one of the KenLRation dog show and my dog Benny.
I was really pleased with it and am so thankful that I was able to meet you and learn from you. It meant the world to me.
Thanks so much for sharing your techniques and ideas.
Martha Mullen
Balitmore was an amazing place for me to teach-so much energy and great ideas for whimsy which you can tell from this happy quilt.

Please consider doing your own story quilt. I panic thinking how little time I have left to tell so many memories I want to leave. I remember so many neat things from grade school, funny things from high school, life as a young bride and Mother and then teenagers and now a Grandma-where does the time go? So mnay things to be thankful for and put them into a quilt! Tell someone about YOU and leave a remnant of who you are and who you love!
This has nothing to do with the post but I noticed that Meg Ryan wears almost all black and occasionally gray. Maybe that is why she isn't as appealing and fun and happy as she used to be. She looks kind of messy and unhappy and unkempt. Anyone agree with me and John Mellankamp? OK, I dmit it, I am watching tv as I finish off my latest six quilts. I will be glad to hit the road again and have to ask people what is new. I don't like knowing the sad events of people's lives do you? I am convinced our happy selves want good news and gratitude for our many gifts....can you name 30 quickly? I can. Hey how about that for a good New Years resolution? Get a cheap notebook and start making lists of things you are grateful for. This is sure to help the soul and the smile factor.


WoolenSails said...

I love how you bring out the imagination in your classes, the students come up with such wonderful ideas.


Maree in NC :-) said...

Awesome quilts!!!

You are such an inspiration, Mary Lou, and you bring out the very best!!!

West Michigan Quilter said...

These quilts are awesome. You sure know how to get people using their imagination. Wonderful ideas. Now I'm thinking of one just for and about my cat!

West Michigan Quilter said...

Yes, I just received the pattern. Thanks for the follow up. I'm looking forward to making them.

Unknown said...

Gratitude....YES!!!! Always grateful for you Mary Lou!!!! You didn't share yet..teaching around here when you come to LaConner????