Wednesday, December 09, 2009

OHHHHH, the sheer JOY of Children's ART!!!

So, it is now my pleasure to be helping with my Granddaughter's class project of a quilt. They are studying birds and so today I went to the school to show the teacher the kinds of paints I am painting my angel quilts with (I hope to teach this later this year). When I walked into the class there on the wall was a HUGE boat and each child had drawn themselves. They go to an academy and the learning style is quite wonderful. The idea is when you are on a cruise, you can have people wait on you and you can rest and relax etc. but what do you learn? If you are part of the crew, you work, you struggle sometimes, you offer help, you strive and at the end of the journey you are completely fulfilled and more of a person than when you left. So, anyway, this is their boat with that concept and it fits in so well with story quilts! I want to do this boat!

The faces on these darling people are all different and this is what I discover in my drawing section of my story quilt class. I can show everyone the same ideas on how to draw and the elements of design and composition and they are all different and all so much fun!!!

So, I took my two oldest Grandchildren to their very first quilt show with Kathy and they were so good! I asked them to look at all of the quilts and tell me their favorite.
I liked the one above for the brodery perse flowers over log cabin blocks. Fun idea.

I adore the quilt above and when I judged an earlier show, I gave it one of the top prizes.

OK< this was my Granddaughter's favorite quilt and my Grandson still hadn't found his until.....
the went around the corner and saw this and they jumped up and down. They are both on a hockey team with their other cousins, coached by the little girls Dad who used to play professional hockey and is a goaltender. No more flower quilts after seeing this one for them!

This was a full sized doll that made them laugh.....
It is lovely to expose children to new experiences in art and likewise it is lovely to see what they can teach us. I adore that boat and think it would make a fabulous quilt on a wall! Read my book and you can do it! And then I want to see what you came up with!


Jennifer said...

Love, love, love the boat! I just might have to borrow that idea for my family ... sometimes I feel like I'm the only crew member around here LOL!

Just got your newest book the other day and have been enjoying it. Already got some new ideas for stories to tell ... got my journal out and started jotting 'em down, so now I just need to find time to make them all LOL!

Rebecka said...

Mary Lou,
I love the boat with the kids in it. This gives me an idea. I teach first grade Junior Achievement and that would be great to do. We talk about jobs. Love the photos of your grandkids and their favorite quilts!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

I love that boat and what it represents! Children's art is amazing! I still have some of my now grown up daughter's framed art on my walls, but I probably have to replace some of them with grandson's artwork as he grows up. She thinks I keep them for sentimental reasons; I keep them because they are wonderful pieces of art:-)

WoolenSails said...

Love the boat and what a wonderful idea for the kids to learn about quilting. We always did big murals for the classroom, but used the big brown paper.


Em said...

Mary Lou, I love that you have the grandkids having fun and going with you! Especially your grandson so he knows crafting is for boys too! Would love to have them participate in my giveaway if they visit my blog and comment.