I am always blown away when I go to Susan Gower's booth. She doesn't remember me from Adam but I have spent thousands of dollars over many years of shopping for her wonderful things. Need a color of a buttons or trim or something special? This is the gal that can sell it to you. Unreal. Many things are older and would be hard to find. I am using alot of these on my next quilt and am very excited to show how to use all of this "stuff." I am promoting her because I think she has wonderful things. Please tell her that you saw her information on my blog. Thank you.
Below is a photo of Susan Gower who owns this incredible amount of cool stuff for quilters, doll makers, clothing and what have you. I told her I would promote her on my blog and then I spent a ton of money buying things.
If you order something from her, please please tell her you heard about her through me. I am not sure she believed I would do this. Please look at all of my photos first...I got some good ones with a good idea of what she has.Amazing.
In the pink! How many things could you encorporate into pink ideas???Hundreds! Pink rhymes with alot and trims on creams and pinks could produce a fabulous small piece!
OK so YELLOW- how about a quilt called "Billy you're jusy yella" and you can do a cowboy with a yellow outfit on and lots of trims....are you with me or am I scaring you? Now you come up with something creative for a color!
I ALWAYS wanted to do a quilt called "ORANGE you happy you are creative? Now's my chance....
Can you imagine how crazy this makes some with creativity? So many possibilites!
I adore anything red and I wanted some of everything....couldn't afford it so I got pieces of a few fun things....
Name a color and she has it. I bought many buttons and trims and wa nt to show what you can do with them in my workshops........very fun and creative too