Many of the signs were very clever.
I bought some little paintings from a woman who used soft colors and did little paintings that were sweet.
Things from my most favorite booth-someone does fabulous painting!
I wanted this pillow and this chair but it was outside of my budget. I'll have to make one someday and spray paint a wicker chair. Do you ever do this? Imagine how you can have a high priced item and do it yourself? Alot of times the downturn is you never do get it done. But that's ok.
There were so many cute clothes and outfits there! I tried to get a good photo of this girl in her pretty dress. I am sure she made it and it looked very vintage and cute...of coarse she was a size 4 and that helps too.
I bought this adorable little ironing board with the most wonderful painting. It is now sitting as a side table next to a red print sofa in my livingroom.
Necklaces anyone? If you needed any kind of jewelry, it was there-and I mean everything and anything!
This green setting was my most favorite cottage look. I loved how they took all kinds of stuff and made it so pretty. I need to make some of those old trellis's. Simple and oh so pretty indoors.
This man brought all of this enamel wear from Indiana. I bought some cool pieces in blues and great greens. I am giving away some of it to my cupcake friends and I am stashing buttons and stuff in the others. This was an excellent booth!
I walked up to a vendor and said "do you have any old metal thimbles?" She said "nope." And this lady from Coeur d'Alene said to me "here is a thimble." So the vendor gave it to me. She was very nice and it must have been foretold that I needed this thimble. I am trying to get 30 old metal thimbles. One down and 29 to go. :0)
Old keys for sale for $1. each. Now if I do the retreat next year, I have lots of ideas for a quilt using these....
This was all vintage French things which to me is always wonderful since I LOVE France. But alas, not much was priced and it said "make an offer" and I don't know how to do this and "think." Just tell me how much you want and I will let you know. Do you know what I mean?
Lots of flowers for your hair, your hats or your jackets....colorful and fun.
If you love yarn, doohickies, old keys, old buttons, old textiles, they have it ALL. People from all over the US came here to sell good stuff!
Everywhere you look are good ideas and table scapes and little things that look thrown together that are wonderful. Loads of happy people all around and the few that are pushy, you know they push ahead of you and then slow down so you can't get by them? Only a few but that is too many. :0)
This lady had quilt after quilt after quilt and all kinds of linens and textiles. Many of the quilts were so worn they would have made good "cutter" quilts for projects and not so good for display.
Another darling chair...I could have bought them all...if I won the lotto. :0)
Stuff stuff and more stuff...not enough time to look at everything.
Frogs anyone? My Mom used to have alot of these, I wonder if these were hers?
Cool stuff Mary Lou,
I can see why you bought the ironing board, it is adorable.
I have one that is covered with an old double wedding ring quilt and have lots of sewing stuff on top of it.
It's offical, I have ironing board envy! Love all the pictures!
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