One may wonder what they are looking at but you are seeing all of the plaids from a line I designed awhile ago. Plaids add light and these plaids are designed to bring light to your quilts just like any painter who is an artist wants to bring light to their paintings. WHY don't other quilt teachers teach this????Anyway, kathy Collins, one of my dear friends and long time students used the plaids together for a Mary Lou Quilt she made me. :0)
Above is the very happy and colorful quilt. I LOVE this!
Last week I was in Tahoe and it was so pretty and I met with 10 friends and we had great sewing and creative time together. The photo below is of me high up where we took a hike and below is the beautiful!
Above, Kathy Collins who has done many wonderful story quilts is beginning a new quilt with skiers and things wintry, hence the cool colored border blocks done Hoochy type! GREAT fun!
Kathy Collins also brought a great book done with wool ala' Sue Spargo.
I am doing a super wool and cotton folk art fish for the cruise to Panama in February. I will show it as soon as it has more done....Walnut shells will add alot of fun to this!
In many of my longer classes we do what we call fairy gifts. The fairies (students) leave little gifts on people's sewing machine for fun. A fairy named Molly put these darling pumpkins on our machines _ LOVE this!
OK I want to share the cows I made and this cow is covered with crystals and I have a peace sign or two to get on for the ring in her nose. She is quite darling and colorful and fun! If you haven't done a cow from the "Out of the Box with Easy Blocks book, you are missing out..........they are addictive and super fun. My friend Dawn Tonoili just made a bundle on one of her cows for a nice charity.