So earlier last week I was trying to introduce each girl from my John C.Campbell class and then I got up early, had a cup of coffee, looked out the window, chatted with my husband, came down to my office to look at my emails and realized I had a 5:20 plane trip I had missed to Michigan to start teaching the next day. You have never seen anyone move so fast in your life...I actually got packed, showered, dressed, made up and out to the airport in 90 minutes to make a flight....pant, pant,pant. Now that I have taught three classes in Michigan, I am home and can finish this post before I start a new story.
Julie who is from Memphis is one of the blog online quilters who are extrodinarily creative, fun and have great taste in color. I was thrilled that she became part of the class. She goes by
Quiltdivajulie@blogspot.com-be sure to check out her blog for inspiration and fun. I go there all of the time for a shot in the heart...I hope this is why you come here...we all need more fun, color, inspiration, kindness and oommph in our lives. Right? The class was alot of fun for me and John C. Campbell provides alot of happiness and time and a place to reflect on what is right with the world. Remember that song that said "where seldom is heard a discouraging word"? Well, that is how I feel at the school. If people didn't like me or what I taught, they said so behind my back and on my evaluations.... Think about coming next February for more piecing fun and a little applique to add pazazz to your quilts.----
This was Julie's original layout before she threw caution to the wind, got more creative and had loads of hoochy plaids fun and added letters....note she did four tiaras all different and all whimsically original

Above, Julie looks at the Hoochy Mama plaid directions and says "right sides together!"

Above, "Princess Julie" stitches and shows off her wonderful smile-she is great fun

Above, Julie shows off a piece of her wonderful stash-she has awesome taste!

Kathy Collins has been my friend for many years. She has taken at least five long week workshops from me and I have stayed at her home in Georgia with she and her husband Greg. She is an attorney and a person with a kind heart and fun. I asked her to come and be my helper at the folk school. She did many demo ideas and in doing so, came up with some pretty cool block ideas. She put stilts on many of her houses and I think the barn was my favorite. It is always fun being with people who like people, can laugh and can have creativity prompt them into great energy. This is what Kathy provided for me and the class.

This is Kathy Collin's darling crooked house and wonderful tree....isn't this cool?

There is something so beautiful as the swoop of the clothesline and I am surprised there are not more quilts and art with clotheslines...I loved the look of this with the rock (hand done) in the background and rags on the line though I imagined pretty dresses and shirts here....

These two gentlemen showed off their kilts-the one on the right played the bag pipes beautifully

These were treats set out by the cooking class (Scottish favorites)

This fun guy was from the clay class for Scottish week when I was there....pretty creative!