Thursday, March 05, 2009

On the Road to Asilomar-will load photos as I take them

Please reread some of my older posts as they are fun too and consider buying raffle tickets-the show is in Post Falls Idaho at the OLD CHURCH which is now an ART conference center. The date is the middle of April, I have to get my calendar which is packed...stay tuned and I will post this when I get back. The size of the quilt is a lovely wall is not a bed quilt. Just the right size for any wall. That's why I wanna win it too.


Miss Tina said...

Have a great time.....I was at the first session with Melinda Bula. Laughed the whole week. One of the Rangers came by to tell about not having wine in the classroom....I yelled out, "Hey Boo Boo, where's that pickanick basket".....he left. Too much fun.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Mary Lou, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I visit your blog all the time and have seriously been thinking about getting your book and starting a flower power group here. Or maybe Hoochie Mamma. Can't make up my mind. I love your work. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!
Happy Quilting. Caroll