Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brevard and Ashviulle North Carolina- Spring and Beauty have Arrived!

This photo was taken at Jean's house (she and her husband love bears) when we went there for her home made ribs and sweet potatoes....Ann brought a strawberry pie-it was Spring there for sure!

A darling bird from the Flower Power book-these birds make everyone smile and hey, plaids can't be beat!

Brevard is known for it's white squirrels...I never saw one, so I think it is a legend

What is better than the sites and smells of spring? Did you know that Spring is the favorite of people? Followed by Fall, summer and then winter....

Here is the day we did the Hoochy squares...it is always fun and I never tire of these blocks and the lessons on color and your fabric stash and what it is missing....loved that people commented on learning about fabric and choices....

Here I am above in the photo
And below, I took the photo...fun fun group of nice ladies!

This is a talented and fun guild-they did a challenge called Black and white and read all over

Above was lunch the first day with an awesome coleslaw recipe- I am going to share it this week...and deviled eggs! It tasted like summer....and dill pickles my favorite!

I see Amy's influence everywhere I go.....

I loved this fun sailboat quilt!

Isn't this portrait quilt super? I am a long way away when I took these or they would be sharper...I took a photo of my "Chicken Soup" pattern that Marti did and it was so cool but my photo did not turn out-Marti please send me a photo to brag about you and your shop!

Aren't these samples awesome...each and every quilt was superb! This is a talented group!

This was a doorway that was painted and I thought it was cool....

I have many many more nice photos of my North Carolina adventures...please check back this week for more photos that will inspire!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Great pictures Mary Lou,

Love all the hoochy blocks, very interesting.

Sandi in New Westminster B.C.