This is Molly who is proud to have these two bolts of fabric as they had just come in that day and this was all that was left of them. This is what is so great about this shop...you realize if you snooze, you lose!

Above is Molly shopping and Jeanne Mills my friend who works at back porch and also takes groups to France to see the textiles, embellishments, markets, good food and a fabulous time (Jeanne lived in France and knows the language and all of the good places to go and see)
She is on my links on my website.

Above is the owner of Back Porch (Gail Abeloe). She has the best eye for fabric in the industry and it is a real experience going into her shop. I cannot believe the beautiful fabrics I come home with and I never see them at other shops again. I don't know how she does it but her shop is on my top five. If you go to Monterey Peninsula, you must stop! Tell her I sent you!

Above is Cheryl who used some fabric from her Grandmother's 50's stash for the background of these Hoochy blocks. Isn't it wonderful?

Above is Nancy Donahoe (easy to remember because she has my maiden name only a little different). Nancy has a new Granddaughter named Caroline and she is doing a quilt called "Sweet Caroline." Isn't this wonderful?

This isn't the most flattering photo of my friend Laurie but aren't her blocks great? She is doing a 4th of July theme about Lopez Island where she lives. Sharon in the foreground is cutting or studying or possibly sleeping.

Every morning before class we meet for the question of the day. Sometimes the question is what kind of ice cream do you like and other times it is about our past and this helps us remember good things and people. Even if you did not have the best family, there was usually a neighbor, a pet, a teacher or some other good memory there. This triggers all kinds of stories for quilts.
most people leave with way more memories than they knew they had.
Janet, our class photographer is taking me taking part of the class.

These girls are all ready for the question of the day. See how happy and attentive they are!

There are three attentive girls here and two that are looking for the coffee guy.

This day was teal or turquoise day. if you had a top that color, you wore it. If you didn't you didn't get into the photo. Aren't they lovely? I love teal...and each of these people.

This is Hoochy blocks being made for borders...note the tall tree...cool/

This quilt is called "I'm packing my bags and taking my tricks with me." Sylvia who is working on this lovely quilt was a teacher for years and each day of class, she wrote a little song to beging the day with. We all sang and it was a lovely way to begin a day of sewing and color and fun.