The cake below was in Switzerland in a window. I have never ever seen such a magnificent cake before! The detail and whimsy were wonderful and I stood and watched the little children come up with their Mothers and talk German (Swiss style which I am lost at) but I could tell what they were saying because the excitment and the wonder was there...just like with me.
This window was really quite something!
My poor kitchen remains sad....and today the water from my sink that was removed dripped constantly and I had to keep emptying the biggest bucket you have ever seen.
I am finding bits of insulation everywhere.
I want to show you how bad the whole thing looks but it is so bad I don't know if you'd want to see it this time of year. :-)
I braved Costco today and it was packed though people seemed quite nice. I bought alot of frozen food so that Mark and I can eat in the TV room where our microwave is.
Hey! That is a funny story. My husband is NO Mr. Fix it and he hates working on things.
Our microwave went out the other day and he said "that figures." Yesterday he was taking the holder out of the wall that holds is and I said "be careful" and he gave me the look so I went down stairs to work and then I heard a crash! That is how he does things so I didn't say anything. This morning, he said brightly "good news, I dropped the microwave yesterday and it works like a charm. " Haha, yep, that's how we do it around here.
Happy Day everyone. Don't get caught up in the crabiness of the Season and if you are a Christian remember that this is all about the birth of Christ. It should be a happy time when we value our blessings and our friends and family. If you aren't in the hospital today or alone in a nursing home with no one to visit and there are lots of people who are, you are blessed!
Please comment on my blog, I love it when you do.
As my dear old Dad always said "Enjoy the Day"
By the way, we will be doing a swap after the first of the year in my chatroom with pot holders and mugs. Who doesn't need new clean fresh potholders? If you join my newsletter through this blog, you can learn more about this.
Take this Christmas song test and see how you do.