Beautiful foods and fruits and cheese and breads at every turn in France. Jeanne Mills Tours is the best way to see France as Jeanne lived there, speaks the language and loves beautiful things and places!

A little description: Join quilters, who love to travel, on a tour to Southern France. The tour features activities, adventures and discoveries to inspire your creativity. In addition to visiting a Provençal fabric-printing factory (and perusing in their outlet), we’ll visit the museum in Nimes where denim was first made and have as tour through a museum of small quilts, known as “boutis”, the corded, quilted and stuffed textiles from the South of France. Of course, we’ll be on the lookout and stop for fabric along the way.
As well, we’ll fill our minds and cameras with the bright colors of the region, see the works of artists who lived and painted here. We’ll be inspired by architectural and decorative elements, the countryside we drive through, the food we eat, and the gardens and markets we visit.
For more information and details, download the 2013 Tour Brochure at, or contact Jeanne at

Above is the Louvre fountains and Ferris Wheel...such a wonderful place to visit!
Above, look and see how fabrics are printed and get a chance to buy some of the most beautiful fabrics in colors we hardly can get our hands on. When I was there with Jeanne, I bought lots and I am still using them. This trip is a trip of a lifetime and with wonderful people. You will learn so much and have so many opportunities to meet and see and enjoy. France has so much to offer and you will get it all on this trip.
St. Paul is a darling little hilltop town with cobblestone streets and awesome shops. If you like beautiful things, this is the town for you. People here are so friendly and I noticed that French ladies (ever the sharp dressers) would wear high heels on these streets with bandaids on their heals. Some advice...wear comfy walking shoes. I bought many beautiful things there- a silver bracelet, little dishes with painted flowers, a large serving dish with a beautiful rooster in fabulous colors (I always have it out), and little French cards with children on them.

I loved the Museums and the way people dressed and so many other things. I took hundreds of photos and many many photos of the beautiful signs of shops etc., but alas it was before digital cameras and I only have them in prints so they are too hard to get redone to share.
But you can take my word for it that you stay in beautiful hotels, eat good food and see wonderful and beautiful things you will never forget.
If you have any questions about what i saw, you can contact me. If you have more questions about the trip and Jeanne's plans, do contact her. She is the BEST and the trip is first rate!