Friday, September 30, 2011

Wendy's Witches

You read earlier that my Tahoe Chicks Group and I are madly making witch blocks to swap. We got this idea from Wendy Price above who is adorable, fun, kind, witty, and just all around a ball to be around. She and her best friend Sandy Fisher came to the Post Falls retreat last year and are already signed up for this year too. We have a "few" spots left if you are interested, I am kind of keeping it on the down low. It is $600. and you get your own hotel for five days of story quilt, hoochy quilting fun.
Anyway, I had to brag on Wendy because she and Sandy have the most awesome ideas for fun things. I love this quilt and now I will be getting fourteen blocks back-wow, that is one big witch quilt! But a ton of fun...wanna do some easy pieceing lettering from our book....what can one say on a witch quilt?
Please comment. I am on my way to the Apostle Islands and will be teaching on Madeline Island....prepare for lots of beautiful photos next week! Can't wait and I will be teaching there again next year. If you live in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan or just in the Midwest you should prepare to come and have fun in the fall! Have a great week.


  1. Great witches Wendy,

    Can't wait to see how you finish it off.

  2. DianepP5:27 AM

    On your other blog you asked for a name for Wendy Price's Witch Quilt.

    My suggestion is "Which Witch?"

    How cute is that quilt!?!? Thank you for sharing!
